The mountains of Kyrgyzstan attract tourists from all over the world and you will be able to explore the attractive Lenin Peak on tours of the mountainous country. The peak is located in the southern part of the country, in the Osh region. Guests of the country on tours will be able to learn facts about the country, explore the area and become a member of a trip that will go along the border with Tajikistan. The peak has an altitude of 7134 m. Guests can visit the country and explore the territory of the peak in a rented car from our company. But visitors to the country should be aware that the peaks of the mountain may not be visible because of the clouds.
Then the name of the current leader of that period became the name of the peak. You will be able to explore during the tours that the weather in Kyrgyzstan in the mountains is changeable and usually depends on the altitude. So the first who studied and discovered the country was A. P. Fedchenko, who studied the mountains in 1871. The peak was formerly known as Kaufman Peak, dedicated to the name of the governor and ruler. Now the peak has the name of the former Soviet leader.
You will be able to explore during tours of Kyrgyzstan that the first expedition that took place up the mountain was in 1929. But at that moment, not all participants were able to conquer the top of the mountain. After that, the Soviet Red Army was able to repeat the ascent of Lenin Peak and install a monument of the same name on the top. In 1967 and later, you can find out that the 301st expedition made a jubilee hike to the peak. Thanks to this hike, people were able to learn about 16 routes for climbing the peak.
Before touring mountainous Kyrgyzstan, it is recommended that you know that the mountains can be dangerous both for those travelers who explore the country on their own and for those who rent a car. The weather in the mountains is unstable and unpredictable, so it is advisable to know the secrets to protect yourself. In 1974, the mountain is associated with tragic events as this year a group of women was caught in a storm. A group of 44 people was hit by an earthquake in 1991.